Patrington Mill Photo Shoot Day- Saturday 18th November 2017

You may or may not be aware that predominantly I photograph equestrian events as oppose to marketing myself as a portrait photographer. However, when Julie from the Patrington Mill Shows asked if I would do a shoot day at her yard I couldn’t say no 🙂
We agreed that liveries could book a 15 minute slot for £5 and then view the images and choose what they would like via my website. I was really surprised and a little bit overwhelmed to find out that I had 21 horses to photograph on the day! The weather wasn’t particularly helpful for us so many people opted to have a black background type image done in the barn/ stable block entrance, but we did manage to get outside a little too!
If you’re interested in booking a shoot for either yourself or a friend there is a page of information on my website which gives you a clear idea of what is included and how much a session is. The packages are great as you can upgrade at any time, even after the shoot!
This weekend was particularly busy, but if you want to see what we got up to and where these images were achieved, you can have a look on the weekly vlog 🙂
I’ve selected a few images from the day to show you guys below, as usual blog images are suitable for sharing on Facebook but not for printing as they are low resolution versions.