Nicola Wilson Clinic- Thursday 16th November 2017

I was so pleased to be offered the opportunity to photograph this clinic. Very strangely, I live opposite the owner of the infamous Opposition Buzz so we have always cheered Nicola on from behind the TV screen at home in her eventing career. Although I no longer ride, it was so interesting to watch the exercises, Nicola explained that the exercises are useful for any horse, from 4 year olds to 4* horses. It was interesting to watch the riders discover what seemed to be simple exercises provide a lot more difficulty that some of the riders expected. I’ve put a brief description in my vlog of what these exercises were, but if you ever have the opportunity to book onto a lesson or clinic with Nicola I would 100% recommend it.
The sessions were an hour and a half long and were split between 3-4 horses, it’s amazing how quickly the time passed by per lesson! The images from the morning I am so pleased with, unfortunately the afternoon images are darker and noiser than usual when we lost natural light. In some of the sessions there was quite a difference in the ages and experience of the horses throughout the day, but every combination was able to identify an area of weakness for both the horse and rider, to improve upon during the session using the selection of exercises.
If you would like a second look at any of the images you can find them here:
Above I mentioned the weekly vlog, here is the YouTube link where you can see what we got up to throughout the day as well as seeing a variety of horses completing the exercises from the day. I just went along on the Thursday on my own as I was asked to attend at fairly late notice, however we got up to a selection of other things that weekend which are also on the same vlog:
As always there are a selection of low resolution images available below which you may use on social media but are not suitable for printing, don’t forget to scroll all the way until the end to see who is the voucher winner:
If you follow my blog, you’ll know that at every event we give away a £5 voucher to a competitor, this weeks winner is this hugely enthusiastic 4 year old, what a dude- I could have watched him all day!