North Yorkshire Showcase

On Sunday 5th March we headed over to Harrogate Equestrian Centre to provide the photography. I love going to this venue as it’s literally 15 minutes from home! In addition to this I always see plenty of familiar faces and its always lovely to catch up with friends. I also had lots of fun chatting to the judges from both rings I covered who were all lovely.
When I woke up it was such a beautiful day, however the weather absolutely fooled us all! It was quite simply rubbish weather and many people look like they were returning from a days hunting by the end of the day! Despite this all of the competitors were turned out immaculately and had obviously taken a huge amount of effort to turn their horses out to the standard we saw on the day.
The Working Hunter images were very kindly taken by Katie Hair who always rescues me when I need back-up! There are also images from all of the inhand classes and the majority of the ridden classes from both the Equifest/TSR/CHAPS ring and also the BSPS ring.
I’ve attached a selection of images below from the day:
Winners of the BSPS Restricted & Open Show Hunter Pony as well as overall BSPS Champion
Winners of the Mountain & Moorland Inhand
Winners of the Young Handler Class
Winner of the Condition Inhand & Stallion/Colt Inhand
Winner of the CHAPS Native Coloured and Shetland Inhand, as well as Reserve Inhand Champions
Winners of the Walk Trot class
Working Hunter Champion
Reserve Working Hunter Champion
Winners of the Most Likely Youngster (4-6 years)
Finally, the winner of this weeks £5 voucher is Dionne James. Who as you can see from her jodhpurs had a less than ideal start to the day, but still soldiered on!
All images can be found at:
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