Cliff Hollins Riding Club- June Show

A nice lie in this morning as Cliff Hollins is just 50 minutes from us and classes don’t start until 10am (brilliant)! You may have read my last show review of Cliff Hollins which explains that it was the first show they have organised in a series throughout this year.
Today was the second show and it was busier than the first, I really hope this is a sign of things to come for this riding club as it is such a great environment for building confidence and learning. It was lovely to see a few familiar faces too!
If you received a Loyalty Card from us today, don’t forget to sign up via our website! This will ensure any online orders are also accounted for but most importantly we will post out your loyalty pack! This is definitely worth doing as you will receive a voucher as well as one of our personalised lanyards free of charge.
If you purchased and we didn’t pop a loyalty card in your bag- please sign up anyway and we will add a stamped card to your pack. Apologies if you weren’t offered one- we haven’t had them very long and occasionally forget!
Below are a selection of low resolution images from the day which can be used on social media;
At every show we giveaway a £5 voucher which can be used against digital files, prints or even our personalised products.
Today’s winner is this superstar pony and jockey. What you cant see in the photographs is that down the hill there was actually a War Reenactment taking place including low flying planes and cannons! Although all of the ponies were pretty unphased by the situation, this pony and jockey actually did their show through the thick of cannon fire without even flinching!
The link to our photographs from today can be found here:
Links to our personalised products can be found here:
Loyalty scheme signup: