Brimham Winter Showjumping Series- January 2017

The unaffiliated showjumping hosted by Brimham Riding Club was a great first event of 2017. The event was hugely well supported with over 30 entries in the most popular classes. The gloomy weather created slightly more difficult lighting conditions than normal, particularly in the 95cm class at which point it was also beginning to get dark.
The winter showjumping is in fact so well supported that the clear round is now limited to 20 online entries and 10 on the day entries. The online entries were full well in advance of the event, this is a great system to ensure that the 65cm starts at the time specified on the schedule.
It was great to see some new faces as well as the familiar faces of many of Brimham Riding Club’s loyal members. It was also clear that many members have continued to practice over the festive period with some members progressing to the next height class!
I could tell what many of you had been brought for Christmas as you flew around the courses in sparkly clean matchy matchy sets! Santa obviously has excellent taste in saddlepads!
As always the event was hugely accommodating allowing even the teeniest of riders to experience the clear round at a height which is ideal for their pony. The riding club is very supportive of its younger members, allowing the fence heights
to be altered for combinations in the clear round.
The event saw several young horses jumping the early classes to gain experience and confidence, some of which very fresh and pleased to be out! Brimham Riding Club is an excellent environment for young horses. Fabulous volunteers are always closely on hand to offer to put one side of a jump down for those fences which your horse finds particularly offensive.
The types of combinations mentioned above would largely benefit from attending at the very start of the day when the warm up arenas are quietest if they wish to enter the clear round.
Congratulations again to the Brimham Riding Club team and volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure that these events work as efficiently as they do.
For more information about Brimham Riding Club please visit:
Images of all combinations are available at: