Equestrian Life Magazine- February Issue

It’s landed!! It’s so exciting to get a big fat Equestrian Life delivery! 🙂
This month is packed with events that we have covered through December & January! There are a few events a little later in January that will be included in the next months magazine due to print deadlines. Have a nosey below and see if you are featured! If you are not sure please feel free to drop me a message and I can double check for you!
Events we have covered include:
Patrington Mill at Kenwick Hill: 25th November 2018
Patrington Mill at Milton EC: 2nd December 2018
Blueberry ShowJumping: December 8th 2018
Blueberry Dressage: December 9th 2018
Patrington Mill at Hazlehead Hall: January 6th 2019
Mill Lane Dressage: January 13th 2019
Don’t forget we are official stockists of Equestrian Life Magazine! There will be a few ways in which you can get a hold of this months issue, we will have them on display at events we attend where you can purchase them, you can also purchase them via the Buy Now button above! We will only be getting a limited amount of copies in each month but I am more than happy to hold them for people who would like one and bring them to future events. Also, if we run out- obviously you can purchase them from https://www.equestrianlifemagazine.co.uk/ both as digital copies and in print . If you attend quite a few events that we attend, you may find it useful to subscribe for just £25 for an annual subscription via their website 🙂